Prayers Enroute to the Pot of Gold…

I find it hard when praying to ask for blessings regarding my writing. perhaps that’s because I feel already gifted in that I am able to write, that my ability to craft stories and that I am doing so is such a wonderful gift.

And then there is the matter of making money from my writing. I’m certainly not doing so well in that area. Still, I love writing.

I almost feel badly that I am not more focused on getting more financial reward from my writing, that I am not working harder to do so.

We measure so much of our lives, how we spend our time, what we do, with whom we choose to associate on the basis of how much money or material gain we will reap from our actions.

Likewise, when we do not give attention to this area, the financial aspect, we can and often do feel ashamed, as if what we are doing, the task or process to which we have committed our hearts and time, is not worthy.

Soon we come to believe that we are not worthy of giving ourselves the opportunity to pursue what we clearly love regardless of and most particularly when it does not bring us money despite however much joy we reap from our endeavors.

The absence of money in any interaction, even those with ourselves clears the path for authenticity, truth and utter delight. The absence of money makes the way for true giving.

This is the reason that jobs can never bring true and unfettered happiness.

Employees arrive at work for the purpose of deriving an income.

Employers hire workers to maintain their businesses from which they gain a livelihood. It’s as simple as that.

For writers the area between employer and employee has become gray and misty. Who works for whom is not always so clear.

Writers who truly love writing pour our hearts and minds into stories that publishers, for reasons of sales and profit may not find suitable in which to invest.

This does not mean the stories are not worthwhile. Nor does it mean the writers of those stories have wasted their efforts and they in kind are unworthy.

Yet too many times we writers see it that way. To interpret rejection of your writing as a diminution of the value of our work and our life is truly sad. And yet so many of us have done and continue to do this.

The sadness and depression around our failures to get published in a traditional manner, or on gaining that achievement, but without the fanfare of which we have dreamed and so yearned affects our writing and our ability to write.

At the other end of the spectrum we have those who enter a frenetic determination to make the world see them and their writing.

They take to the Internet like the Allied Forces on the beaches of Normandy.

Receiving news of their work feels more like an attack rather than an opportunity to share in their endeavors and what they offer.

Like all else that is good, fruitful and nurturing in life, writing, marketing, and promoting one’s work takes time and patience.

Diligence of mind and effort as shaped by the desires of our heart leads us to our destiny.

The pot of gold is not the ends to which we strive as writers.

Rather it is the process of seeking and searching, working a little each day towards achieving our heart’s delight.

That is what I pray to maintain and achieve more of in the coming years.

What do you wish for in your writing?

What are writing your goals for 2010?

~ by Anjuelle Floyd on December 22, 2009.

2 Responses to “Prayers Enroute to the Pot of Gold…”

  1. i read your site and as u write in your site it’s true are able to write a story about any thing and your article is very interesting.

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